Cryptocurrency Data Analysis

In this project, I built a web scrapper, scrapped and analyzed top 10 Cryptocurencies live data from Cryptowatch.

Transaction Analysis using SQL

This case study is all about calculating metrics, growth and helping Data Bank; a FinTech startup analyse their data in a smart way to better forecast and plan for their future developments.

We Rate Dogs Twitter Analysis

"In God we trust, all others must bring data" - W. Edwards Deming

In this project, I queried Twitter API using Tweepy, wrangled and analyzed the tweet archive of Twitter user @dog_rates, also known as WeRateDogs.

Business Performance Analysis using SQL

This case study centers on leveraging Foodie-Fi’s digital data, which follows a subscription-based model, to analyze critical business metrics relating to the customer journey, payment transactions, and overall business performance.

Amazon Best Selling Books Analysis

In this project, I web-scrapped Amazon best-selling books using Selenium and Beautiful Soup. I wrangled and analyzed the best selling books beginning from 2009 to 2019.

Medical Appointment Data Analysis

In this project, using Python and its libraries, I wrangled and analyzed more than 100k Medical Appointments in Brazil to derive insights on the reasons why patients showed up or not for their appointments.

Africa Food Production and Supply

Who Grows and who Eats the food we grow in Africa?

The project focuses on finding insights, patterns and trends through visualizations on food Production and Supply data in Africa using Seaborn and Matplotlib.

Covid-19 Data Exploration using SQL Server

In this project, a Covid-19 database was queried and analyzed using SQL Server. Insights like the continents and countries with the highest recorded cases and deaths were derived and visualized using Tableau.

Querying the Database of a Paper-Selling Company using SQL

Parch and Posey is an e-commerce paper selling company that sold 3 diffetrent types of papers to companies(accounts) via different channels at diferent point in time in different regions.

Power BI - Tackling the Health Crisis in Africa

I participated in a hackathon and worked on the case study; Tackling the Health Crisis in Africa and provided recommendations on how to curb this crisis using Power BI.

Sales and Market share Analysis using Excel

The CMO of VarnArsdel, a fictitious manufacturing company wanted to keep an eye on the company's performance both internally and externally. As the Business Intelligence Analyst, I analyzed the sales and market share data of the company and its competitors and built an interactive Excel dashboard answering the relevant business questions.

Sales Performance Analysis using SQL

I analyzed data from Adventure Works database and conducted a Sales Performance Analysis, answering some pertinent business questions. Adventure Works is a large multinational manufacturing company that produces and distributes bicycles, parts, and accessories for commercial markets in North America, Europe, and Asia.


The majority of stakeholders' concerns center on insights, and it has been demonstrated that insights are easier to comprehend with images than with figures. Because of this, I have done a lot of research on the best chart formats for different audiences and the peculiarity of the insight that needs to be conveyed.

Here are a few dashboards I created using Power BI.

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